A Message Of Thanks And An Update From iRest Institute Executive Director Alana Siska

A Message Of Thanks And An Update From iRest Institute Executive Director Alana Siska

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” ―Rumi

iRest Institute began walking a new way this year and will continue to do so in service to you in 2022.

We invite you to hear how far we’ve come, and share in the heartfelt gratitude for your presence in our community.

Please take a few minutes to watch the video below from iRest Executive Director Alana Siska.

It’s our delight to be able to continue to support your healing, transformation, and inner peace.

Thank you for being here.

View Alana's previous video update from July, 2021.

Please consider helping us continue with our mission in 2022 by taking one minute to donate. Your contribution enables us to help more people and funds scholarships for those wanting to teach.

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