Relieve Chronic Pain

Alleviate Chronic Pain with iRest

With iRest meditation, people have found relief from chronic pain that medication and other pain-management programs are unable to resolve.

How does iRest alleviate Chronic Pain?

With iRest meditation, people have found relief from chronic pain that medication and other pain-management programs have been unable to resolve. A scientific study has shown that iRest reduces the intensity of pain and the extent to which pain interferes with daily life.

iRest is easy to learn yet powerful - It works by enabling you to deeply relax, focus attention, experience the underlying calm and wellbeing that is already present in your body and mind, and begin to understand pain rather than just resist it. iRest has historically been endorsed by the U.S. Army Surgeon General as a form of complementary and alternative medicine for addressing pain management.

Anyone can learn iRest, and you can practice it wherever and whenever you need relief.

"I suffer from chronic pain as a result of nerve damage from brain surgery. … Since beginning my practice of iRest, I have been almost pain free, and when I have needed medication, it has been much less than before. … I feel as if I have my life back…”

- Marci Alegant, participant at an iRest Retreat

Try a Quick iRest

iRest is typically taught as a guided meditation. Below you will find samples of iRest meditations you can listen to guided by Richard Miller, PhD, creator of iRest. These recordings are designed for everyone; both experienced iRest practitioners and newcomers alike.

5 minute iRest practice for alleviating stress and anxiety
10 minute iRest practice for feeling at ease