Resolve Trauma

Restore Peace with iRest

With iRest, you will discover that you have an indestructible inner resource of strength, calm and ease, no matter what you have experienced in the past or what challenges you face now.


How does iRest resolve trauma?

iRest is an evidence-based form of guided meditation that has been shown to resolve symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The simple steps of iRest (which have been tested in clinical trials) calm the nervous system, release stress, increase resiliency and restore a sense of balance and control.

iRest is easy to learn and can be practiced by anyone. Even short practices of 10 or 20 minutes can bring about a sense of calm and ease and the ability to face difficult or stressful situations.

There are currently iRest programs in active duty military and Veteran’s Health Administration medical facilities across the United States, as well as in correctional facilities, hospices, homeless shelters, clinics and schools around the globe. Based on current studies with iRest in the military and veteran community, the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury recognizes iRest as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine warranting continuing research for its use in the treatment of post-traumatic stress.

Try a Quick iRest

iRest is typically taught as a guided meditation. Below you will find samples of iRest meditations you can listen to guided by Richard Miller, PhD, creator of iRest. These recordings are designed for everyone; both experienced iRest practitioners and newcomers alike.

5 minute iRest practice for alleviating stress and anxiety
10 minute iRest practice for feeling at ease