Meet Our New Director of iRest Certification, Julie Bohonos
My Personal Connection with iRest Meditation

The first threads of iRest meditation wove their way into my life in 2005. Anne Douglas, who went on to be a senior iRest trainer, offered a practice as part of a yoga teacher training in her Banff, Canada home. The experience of deep, profound rest in a short space of time, ignited my curiosity.
That initial iRest practice was just before I packed up our family home, and two school age daughters, in preparation to move to Thailand. The previous year, my husband, daughters and I experienced the 2004 tsunami while on vacation in Thailand. Grateful to be okay, we remained in the country for several months to organize a grassroots relief fund. Our love for the country and people drew us back within a year to live there full time.
When I could take a break from parenting responsibilities in Chiang Mai, I would teach mindful movement classes for Steven Smith and Michele McDonald of Vipassana Hawaii, at their Thai retreats. Michele and Steven’s gentle, body-based methods of teaching the Buddhist Dhamma rang true in my heart.
Spending three weeks at a retreat in a Burmese temple, under the leadership of traditional Burmese teachers alongside Steven and Michele as Western teachers, drove home the power of prolonged attention in the body. Sometimes investigating, but more often observing. I was intrigued by the Vipassana system that seemed exquisitely designed to fall into grace.
When I returned to Canada in 2011 as a Certified Yoga Therapist, I revisited iRest Meditation. The teachings supported my ongoing inner inquiry and was a balm for my pattern of anxiousness. For some time, I compared the practices of iRest with Vipassana. I could see the differences, asked questions of both iRest and Buddhist teachers and finally saw the overlap rather than the gaps between the two. iRest is inclusive of what I’d learned overseas and became my foundational practice.
Now as a Certified Yoga Therapist, iRest is the most accessible form of meditation I share with clients. Anyone can benefit from it, regardless of faith, philosophy, or their ability to sit still — and I don’t have to be a spiritual teacher to share it.
iRest in my Work
I have had the privilege of attending and assisting at a variety of iRest events including the technical logistics for online events. What I adore most is mentoring certification students.
When Kirsten Guest stepped away from her role as Director of Certification, I was honored to be asked to fill her shoes—and what shoes they are to fill! With the collaboration of many dedicated iRest teachers, trainers, and iRest staff, Kirsten co-created the iRest Certification Program, and spearheaded it for nearly 20 years while making refinements along the way.
My immediate reaction to being offered this position was ‘Oh no, does this mean I won’t be able to be a mentor anymore?’ It’s funny how the mind works.
Just as with being a mentor, my role is one of listening. The team of certification mentors are each highly experienced iRest teachers and practitioners, all successfully weaving iRest into an array of professional services, programs, and classes. They know what is working well within the certification program and can identify the challenges and areas for growth. I learn from them everyday, and I still mentor some certification students.
Kirsten initiated group mentoring sessions for certification students which have proven effective and popular with students and mentors. I am continuing this offering, now called, Collaborative Learning & Student Support: An Online Series for iRest Certification Students. This free, online class gives all certification students an opportunity to connect with other students and mentors to grow their practice and work through assignments. The class will help students to overcome common stumbling blocks and learn tips on how to successfully move through the certification program in the midst of their busy lives. Information on how to join a session will be emailed out to certification students.
Other areas of focus for the iRest Certification Program are creating more clarity and consistency and considering retreat options for students outside of North America. Additionally, I am working with the iRest team to streamline communication, progress tracking, and information related to certification for both students and mentors.
The iRest Institute team is making completion rates a top priority. Our goal is to increase the already healthy rate of successful certification completion with enhanced support, streamlining, and development.
I am delighted and grateful to be in this role and support our certification students who are moving through this life-enhancing program.
Are you interested in becoming a Certified iRest Teacher? Find out more on our Certification page.