The Spirit of Giving: Fetzer Memorial Trust & iRest

The Spirit of Giving: Fetzer Memorial Trust & iRest

What motivates us to give? Who is deserving of our gifts? And how can we find new ways to share? At this time of year, we tend to reflect on the spirit of giving—whether in holiday rituals or in philanthropic acts.

The iRest Institute recently acquired a generous grant from Fetzer Memorial Trust, a Michigan–based fund dedicated to the legacy of the late entrepreneur, media mogul, and spiritual seeker John Fetzer (widely known as the former owner of the Detroit Tigers). Thanks to this endowment, iRest is now able to undertake three key projects that will unfold over the coming months: 

    •    Redevelop the iRest Teacher Community Network (TCN ) our membership-based bank of resources, information, and recordings. 

    •    Devise a long-term iRest fundraising strategy to more sustainably support the organization.

    •    Build iRest communications in a way that expands the reach of our transformational teachings and better serves the needs of our community.

iRest’s gratitude toward the Fetzer Memorial Trust is boundless. This gift did not fall from the sky, of course. Instead, it emerged from a relationship with the foundation that is based on shared values. Exploring such intersections reveal how a thoughtfully chosen gift can express deeply held beliefs.

“Money is energy,“ John Fetzer often said, deeply wishing to harness his own wealth in the service of good. Fetzer lived frugally in a middle-class neighborhood in Kalamazoo. He trusted a higher intelligence in guiding his business and life decisions, meditating regularly to strengthen his intuition.

Importantly, Fetzer was a believer in “oneness,” purporting that we are all one unified force with the source of creation. Relatedly, he studied the overlap of science and spirituality. His lifetime of study and practice in a range of metaphysical traditions gave him unshakeable faith in the power of spirit. 

Sound familiar? Indeed, some of these principles are mirrored in the iRest philosophy. We at iRest  are big believers in “oneness” and the interconnectedness of all things. And we are so grateful to have found a donor who “gets” us!

In the spirit of giving, Fetzer Memorial Trust is now offering complimentary copies of a new biography, John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New Age by Brian C. Wilson. Those interested in learning more about the work of this fascinating figure in business leadership may click here to receive the book--absolutely free.

As we move through the holiday season, let’s pause to consider our true connections with those around us—and how our gifts honor those bonds.


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