Certification Program Agreement

By remitting payment to the iRest® Institute (IRI) for the IRI Certification program, I confirm that I have read the letter set out below and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out therein.

This letter sets out the terms and conditions by which the iRest Institute (hereinafter “IRI”) and you (the “Student”) have agreed to enter into a program, which is intended to lead to the Student becoming an IRI Certified iRest Teacher (the “Program”).

The Student has completed the IRI Level 1 and may also have completed Level 2 iRest Training and has applied to the Program to become a Certified iRest Teacher®. IRI has agreed to accept the Student into the Program. 

IRI and the Student agree as follows:

Successful Completion of the Program

The Student acknowledges that participation in the Program, and payment of the required tuition fee does not guarantee that the Student will become a Certified iRest Teacher at the completion of the required assignments. Student acknowledges that the Certification program requires that the Student “demonstrate a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of iRest and the teachings that underlie iRest and demonstrate competency in delivering iRest to various groups and individuals”.

Student agrees that IRI, through its Certification Mentor, shall be the sole determining body as to whether or not the Student has attained the required level of understanding and competency required for Certification.

The Student acknowledges that at the end of the Program, the Student may not be recommended for Certification and may be required to engage in further studies, and that there may be additional costs payable by the Student in order to take part in these further studies.

The Student also acknowledges that at the completion of the required additional studies, if the Student has not attained the required level of understanding and competency as determined by IRI and the IRI assigned Certification Mentor, then the Student will not receive the designation of Certified iRest Teacher.

Refund Policy

Student acknowledges and agrees to the refund policy as set out below:

  • If the Student withdraws from the Program before being assigned a Certification Mentor, They will obtain a refund of tuition paid to iRI less US$200.
  • If the Student withdraws once they have been assigned a Mentor, but no assignments have been submitted for review, they will obtain a refund of tuition paid to iRI less US$350.
  • If the Student withdraws after they have begun submitting assignments for review by their Mentor, they will obtain a refund of tuition paid to iRI less $800. 
  • If the Student withdraws 18 months or more after enrolling, there is no refund of any of the tuition paid by Student.

Time Limit for Completion of Assignments

The Student agrees that the time allotted to the Student to complete the Certification process shall be 24 months from the Enrollment Date.

If the student fails to complete the assignments within the 24-month period, the Student may apply to IRI for additional time to complete the assignments. Additional fees for additional time to complete will apply as follows:

  • US$200 for three-months
  • US$400 for six months
  • US$800 for twelve months

Re-Entry into Certification and Putting timeline “On Hold”

If the Student needs to put their 2-year timeline on hold due to unforeseen circumstances, this can be arranged with their Certification Mentor. When the Student is ready to re-engage with the process, a re-entry fee of US$300 will apply and the Student will have the remainder of the original 2 year timeline to complete the assignments.

Dispute Resolution Procedure

If there is any disagreement between the Student and the Mentor regarding the certification process, the Student shall provide written details of the disagreement to IRI. IRI shall within 10 days of receipt of the Student’s written detail, appoint one of its other Mentors to work as an arbitrator with the Student and the original Mentor to attempt to settle the disagreement in a manner that is acceptable to the Student and to IRI. The arbitrator shall within 30 days of appointment, submit a written report to the Student and to IRI. Student agrees that the finding of the Mentor as set out in the written report shall be binding and final.

If there is any disagreement between the Student and IRI regarding the Certification process, the Student shall provide written details of the disagreement to IRI. IRI shall within 10 days of receipt of the Student’s written detail contact the student and attempt to reconcile the dispute to the satisfaction of the student. If the student remains unsatisfied at the end of this reconciliation process, IRI shall refer the matter to an independent arbitrator who does not have a direct relationship with IRI but who does understand the iRest protocol and the nondual teachings. The independent arbitrator will interview the Student and IRI to determine the reason for the disagreement and attempt to arrive at a result acceptable to the Student and IRI. The Arbitrator shall submit a written report to IRI and to the Student within 60 days of appointment. The Arbitrator’s report shall include a decision as to which of the parties shall pay the cost of the arbitration, including the Arbitrator’s fee. The Student and IRI agree that the decision contained in the written report shall be binding on both parties and shall be final.