
iRest for Individuals

iRest gives you simple tools to experience joy and peace, improve focus and clarity, and feel safe and at ease, even when life is challenging.

Why iRest?

iRest guided meditation is a modern adaptation of the ancient practice of yoga nidra, designed for people’s lives today. It is easy to learn and can be practiced anywhere, by anyone, even if you’ve never stepped foot on a yoga mat or tried meditation before.

You can practice iRest a little each day, or a few times a week. Ten- or twenty-minute guided audio sessions can deliver profound benefits and deep insight. There are longer sessions of 30―40 minutes, which you can practice on your own or at iRest events. iRest Teacher Trainings enable you to take your personal practice further, even if you never plan to teach or share the practice in formal settings.

Studies have revealed the effectiveness of iRest across multiple scientific trials, showing benefits for people with depression, sleep problems, trauma, chronic pain, while improving overall well-being.

Try a Quick iRest

iRest is typically taught as a guided meditation. Below you will find samples of iRest meditations you can listen to guided by Richard Miller, PhD, creator of iRest. These recordings are designed for everyone; both experienced iRest practitioners and newcomers alike.

5 minute iRest practice for alleviating stress and anxiety
10 minute iRest practice for feeling at ease