iRest Teacher Permissions & Guidelines

IRI® Copyright, Trademark, and Permission Guidelines
Note: Permissions for Level 1 and Level 2 Teachers are the same

Upon completion of an iRest® Level 1 Yoga Nidra Meditation Training:
You are supported and permitted to:

1. YES. Refer to yourself as an ‘iRest® Level 1 Teacher’.
You may also indicate that your teachings are "Informed by the teachings of Richard Miller and/or the iRest Institute (IRI)." Please see #9 below regarding the use of the word ‘certified’, which, as an iRest Level 1 Teacher, you are not permitted to use.
2. YES. Offer the iRest protocol and teachings to your students in private sessions and group classes.
3. YES. As a Level 1 iRest Teacher, you are permitted to teach iRest as part of a teacher training or yoga therapy program. However, you are not authorized to train others to be iRest teachers (see #13 below). As a Level 1 Teacher, before teaching at a teacher training or yoga therapy program, please consult first with IRI before undertaking such a teaching role, to make sure you are adhering to IRI Permission Guidelines.
4. YES. Produce and sell your own personal iRest recordings directly to your students who are taking private iRest lessons, or group classes with you.
5. YES. Copy IRI materials from your iRest Training Manual to support your teaching activities with your students in private sessions, and/or group classes.
Please give credit to IRI by noting: “This is copyright property of the iRest Institute®.”
6. YES. Use the words, ‘iRest,’ ‘iRest Institute,’ ‘Integrative Restoration Institute,’ and ‘IRI,’ to describe the training you have received, and in promotional material you prepare to market your classes, or individual sessions that you are offering to your students.
7. YES. Describe your use of iRest steps and protocols in your teachings and promotional materials.
8. YES. Link to the IRI website,, from your own website.
Please note that IRI holds many domain names that link to the iRest Website, including and We ask that you use the domain name, for all references to iRest and the iRest Institute in your materials.
9. YES. Use the superscript symbol ‘®’, which should immediately follow the words iRest®, Integrative Restoration Institute®, iRest Institute®, or IRI® the first time they are used in any materials you are handing out, or using for promotional purposes.
This includes documents, web pages, websites, and all marketing materials. (On your computer, press ‘option-R’ for ®.)

As a Level 1 Teacher you are NOT permitted to:
10. NO. Use the words ‘certified,’ or ‘certification’ in your description of yourself as an iRest Level 1 Teacher.
The words ‘Certified’ and ‘Certification’ are reserved for teachers who have completed iRest Teacher Certification. For information on the iRest Teacher Certification Program, please visit the IRI website.
11. NO. Produce and sell iRest recordings through your personal website, online through a retailer (i.e., Amazon, Apple, etc.), or locally at a yoga studio, health center, etc. You need to complete iRest Certification before doing so.
See #3 above for what you are allowed to produce and sell.
See the IRI website for permissions that are extended to iRest Certified Teachers.
12. NO. Copy IRI materials for commercial sale.
13. NO. Copy iRest scripts from your training manual and give them out to individual students or group classes.
If your students wish to utilize scripts, please refer them to the book, The iRest Program for Healing PTSD, where scripts are available for personal use.
14. NO. Train others to be iRest teachers. Only IRI authorized iRest Trainers have permission to train students to be iRest Teachers (Level 1, 2, or Certified Teachers).
As a Level 1 iRest Teacher, if you are permitted to teach iRest as part of a teacher training or yoga therapy program (see #3 above). However, please consult with IRI before undertaking such a teaching role.
15. NO. Use the IRI logo on your website, promotional material or other uses without prior, written permission from IRI.
This said, IRI does want you to feel comfortable using the name ‘iRest’ in your work and teachings as stated above in #1, #5, and #6, in what you are permitted to do.
16. NO. iRest®, Integrative Restoration®, Integrative Restoration Institute®, iRest Institute®, and IRI® are all protected, registered names and may not be used in the name of a personal or business website, business, or email address. If you have questions regarding the use of these registered marks, please consult with IRI before using an IRI registered mark.

Please direct questions or feedback regarding IRI’s copyright, trademark, and permission guidelines to the IRI office: (415) 456-3909. Or via our contact form: