
Impact of Integrative Restoration (iRest) Medit...

Author: Pritchard, M. Elison-Bowers, P Birdsall, B. Published date: 2009 Summary Stress is a common occurrence in many chronically ill patients, and researchers are calling for cost-effective stress reduction interventions....

Impact of Integrative Restoration (iRest) Medit...

Author: Pritchard, M. Elison-Bowers, P Birdsall, B. Published date: 2009 Summary Stress is a common occurrence in many chronically ill patients, and researchers are calling for cost-effective stress reduction interventions....

The Impact of Meditation on Veterans with Post ...

Author: Malphurs, J. Birkholm, M. Miller, R. Published date: 2008 Study has not yet been written up.

The Impact of Meditation on Veterans with Post ...

Author: Malphurs, J. Birkholm, M. Miller, R. Published date: 2008 Study has not yet been written up.

Integrative Restoration – iRest Yoga Nidra to R...

Author: Vieten, C. Miller, R Published date: 2008 ABSTRACT Although the efficacy of meditation-based interventions has been widely studied, research with homeless groups is minimal. Homeless people suffer from increased...

Integrative Restoration – iRest Yoga Nidra to R...

Author: Vieten, C. Miller, R Published date: 2008 ABSTRACT Although the efficacy of meditation-based interventions has been widely studied, research with homeless groups is minimal. Homeless people suffer from increased...

Effect of Integrative Restoration – iRest Yoga ...

Authors: Gray, K. Lundstrom, J. Lundstrom, J Blackman, K. Published date: 2008 Introduction Integrative Restoration (iRest) is derived from the ancient meditation practice of yoga nidra. iRest is a guided...

Effect of Integrative Restoration – iRest Yoga ...

Authors: Gray, K. Lundstrom, J. Lundstrom, J Blackman, K. Published date: 2008 Introduction Integrative Restoration (iRest) is derived from the ancient meditation practice of yoga nidra. iRest is a guided...

Yoga Nidra as an Adjunctive Therapy for Post-Tr...

Yoga Nidra is an ancient form of meditative inquiry used to reduce physical, emotional and mental suffering. The approach fosters deep relaxation, and is hypothesized to arouse the parasympathetic nervous...

Yoga Nidra as an Adjunctive Therapy for Post-Tr...

Yoga Nidra is an ancient form of meditative inquiry used to reduce physical, emotional and mental suffering. The approach fosters deep relaxation, and is hypothesized to arouse the parasympathetic nervous...

Impact of Integrative Restoration (iRest) on Co...

The University of Missouri Student Health Center conducted a pilot study investigating the impact of Integrative Restoration – iRest with college students during the fall semester 2007.

Impact of Integrative Restoration (iRest) on Co...

The University of Missouri Student Health Center conducted a pilot study investigating the impact of Integrative Restoration – iRest with college students during the fall semester 2007.